The Texas Climbers Coalition (TCC) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that advocates for access and helps maintain climbing areas in Texas. Through the legacy of Central Texas Mountaineers (CTM), TCC was formed to encompass all of Texas and is an affiliate of the Access Fund, a national advocacy organization. 

Being an official 501(c)3 gives TCC lots of possibilities other than being a club such as: the ability to raise money on the behalf of the community, maintain annual memberships to garner more national support, bring in support from the rest of our Texas family and not just Central Texas, and acquire land suitable for rock climbing activities.

We hope to grow both our membership and our work throughout the state with everyone’s support. 

Board members

Texas Climbers’ Coalition has an all-volunteer board that is elected by its membership. The current officer positions are:

Shaun Duffy
Executive Director

Shaun oversees the TCC. In his role as executive director, he sets strategic goals, and acts as chief signatory. He is the chief fundraiser and owner of corporate partnerships, and directs event planning and stewardship projects.

The Executive Director serves a two-year term beginning on January 1st of even-numbered years.

You can contact Shaun at:


Lisa Little
Operations Director

Lisa manages the day-to-day operations of TCC and serves as backup to the Executive Director. She manages land holdings, TCC insurance, agreements, contracts and other administrative obligations. She sets meeting agendas and coordinates board meetings, as well as assisting the Executive Director with fundraising.

The Operations Director serves a two-year term beginning on January 1st of odd-numbered years.

You can contact Lisa at:


Jeff Rusignuolo
Communications Director

Jeff manages the social media, public relations, and outreach within the TCC. He also manages all communication and marketing volunteers.

The Communications Director serves a two-year term beginning on January 1st of even-numbered years.

You can contact Jeff at:


Brian Henderson
Chief Financial Officer

Brian manages all financial accounts and tracks profits, losses, assets, revenues, obligations, and liabilities. They file TCC taxes and any other required financial documents as well as approve purchasing requests up to $300 and serves as purchasing liaison with vendors. He also provides a quarterly report to the TCC board.

The Chief Financial Officer serves a two-year term beginning on January 1st of odd-numbered years.

You can contact Brian at:


Ana Krueger
Programs Associate

Ana is the webmaster of the TCC. She designs, maintains, and updates the TCC website. She is also responsible for creating promotional graphics and tables at events.

The Programs Associate serves a two-year term beginning on January 1st of odd-numbered years.

You can contact Ana at:


Ancillary Positions

As well as the board, the Texas Climbers’ Coalition board has a Trail Boss to help mitigate the detrimental impact to the trails and climbing crags around the state and a Community Coordinator to help reach out to and understand the thoughts of the community.

Jason Rodriguez
Trail Boss

We've got some lovely crags around us and an equally lovely and welcoming climbing community. It's real special to me each time I get to walk the trail down to Gus Fruh throughout all the seasons. I'll find a spot to sit at the wall like falling into my cozy couch at home and everything becomes well. There's always a friendly face reminding you to just have fun and is willing to offer a spot or catch.

Let's make sure these rocks and spaces that we love get all the appreciation and care they deserve. That way Mother Nature can flourish just like our community surely will.

You can contact Jason at:

Ted Quijano
Community Coordinator

The best part of climbing is the community. We’re a diverse and eclectic bunch of folks with a shared passion to go up some hard plastic in the gyms throughout Central Texas & climb up the crags around and between San Antonio & Austin. And we, collectively, cheer each other on and take joy in watching others send. Wherever you are, if you climb, you will find your people and a good time.

The climbing community here has given me a lot, and I’m here to pay that forward. You’ll see up the walls around Reimers Ranch and Medicine Wall, climbing up plastic, or just shooting the breeze and have a good time with people on the ground. See ya around!

You can contact Ted at: